Our Plan

GCM3T endeavors to train and mentor cross-cultural missionaries to labor among the remaining unreached people groups of the world where there is still little or no access to the gospel.

Whereas, our initial plan was to train national believers to plant national led, self-sustaining, self-reproducing, evangelical Christian  churches among the Fulani people of Cameroon we have expanded our efforts and are now working with other unreached people groups in Cameroon as well as in East Asia.

GCM3T's training program combines intensive in-class preparation and study with 'hands-on' training in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting among unreached people groups.  We believe the most effective way to learn how to plant churches is by doing it with experienced church planters.  We do not minimize the importance of classroom learning, but we do believe on-field mentoring coupled with classroom instruction in the midst of an unreached people group is what makes our training unique.

GCM3T does not replace a college or seminary degree nor is a college degree required for entrance into the program.  The training we offer is designed specifically for national believers interested in pioneer church planting among unreached people groups.  

While the focus in our training is primarily among unreached tribal groups, we believe the principles of church planting that will be taught are universal and cut across cultures, target groups, and religious backgrounds.  Classroom training will focus on a broad range of topics including Bible, Theology, Cross-cultural Communications, Missionary Tactics, Apologetics, Evangelism & Discipleship. Spiritual Growth & Health as well as such practical studies as Missionary Health, First Aid, and Living & Ministering in the Bush.  Times of worship and prayer are also built into the schedule.  The practical ‘hands on’ training consists of ‘recon’ trips into the bush where the our target people groups live to search them out for the purpose of then returning to build relationships, preach the Gospel, disciple converts, and begin a home or cell church.  Whereas, the primary goal of this training program is to prepare pioneer national evangelists, missionaries, pastors, and church planters for the task of finishing the Great Commission consideration may be given to admitting a small number of sincere, committed, and passionate students from the United States who have a heart for pioneer church planting among hard-to-reach unreached people groups.

In addition, GCM3T is also poised to offer its training to English or French speaking believers who desire to do the work of church-planting in their respective homelands and who can travel to one of our training locations in Cameroon.  Such students will receive the training necessary to equip them to return to their homes and function as native evangelist church planters among their own people.  It is also our desire to see other like-minded missionary training centers established in other regions so as to provide easier access to those believers desiring such training.

Finally, plans are being developed to deploy teams of trainers to central locations throughout the world to provide our training to more believers in places more accessible to them.  These deployable mobile training units can provide the necessary essentials of missionary training, tactics, and theology in intensive two and three week modules to highly motivated national believers.

If you are interested in partnering with us at GCM3T or if you are interested in attending GCM3T please send us an email and we will be in touch with you.

You can contact us at: globalcm3t@gmail.com 

The Following Is A Sampling of Our Core Classes Offered Over A 12 To 16 Week Period.

*Systematic Theology

*Chronological Study of the Bible

*Getting The Gospel Right

*The Gospel According to Genesis

*Old Testament & New Testament Surveys 

*The Plague of Missions--Recognizing & Dealing With False Teachers &Their Teaching

*Understanding The Church--1 Timothy & Titus

*Missions & Missionary Expansion In the Book of Acts

*Church Planting Absolutes & Principles

*Spiritual Leadership

*Team Ministry Dynamics

*History of Missions

*Principles of Bible Study

*Understanding Your Identity in Christ

*Spiritual Warfare

*Understanding Islam & Muslims

*Preaching & Teaching The Bible

*Bible Story Telling

*1 & 2 Peter

*The Gospel of Mark


2 Corinthians


*Missionary Apologetics

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